Best Chinese Tutor
Struggling with Chinese this year and looking for a private tutor near you? Our Chinese tutors can help students in all grades and skill levels. No matter if it is elementary school or all the way up to introductory college level, we have private Chinese tutors available now.
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Best Chinese Tutors Near You:
Qi L. Great Falls VA.
PhD, Machine Learning, FAANG Interview Prep, Stats, Maths, Physics
I have been a private tutor since 2016. I currently work as a Machine Learning Engineer Tech Lead Manager for Airbnb and previously as a Quant Researcher for Morgan Stanley. I graduated with a Physics Ph.D. and CS Master from Wake Forest University. I have helped over 150 students from elementary school to college with course study/homework/test prep. I have also helped over 100 professionals to land their dream jobs at FAANG companies. I love to teach and have helped many students from diffe... Read more
Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Calculus, Physics, Chinese, SQL, C, Computer Programming
Tammy L. Sterling VA.
Mandarin Chinese for Business, Diplomacy and Academia
Hi there! I am delighted to hear that you or a family member is interested in learning Mandarin Chinese. It is one of the most difficult languages in the world to learn for native-English speakers. The written system has no alphabet and consists of over 50,000 characters. Each word/sound also requires use of one of 4 distinct tones. Although this may seem like a daunting undertaking, don't worry, I can help you navigate the complexities and achieve your language goals! If you plan to use Chi... Read more
How a Chinese Tutor Can Help:
If you are interested in learning Chinese, Mandarin is most likely the language that you will choose. Chinese is spoken by 1.2 billion or 16% of the world’s population and is quickly becoming a popular language of business as well.Learning the importance of the proper “tones” in Mandarin is key to your success. Gaining a background in grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation is important. Understanding of the culture is also critical in learning any new language. If you are learning Chinese for business, it’s critical that you learn how to do business in China as well as the right phrases and terms for negotiations. Having a Chinese tutor skilled in the areas of the language that you need and knowledgeable in the customs and style of the country will do far more for you than any online tutoring or book program available. With the right Chinese tutors, you’ll be able to learn what you need to communicate and speak whether for school, business or travel.
How to Find a Chinese Tutor Near You:
So find the best online Chinese tutors near you today! We make it simple to find a top rated personal tutor quickly and easily! Just choose your topic and add your zip code – In seconds you’ll be able to choose the right tutors near you that can help you now. Plus, you also have the option of finding a tutor online as well as by using Skype. Our private Chinese tutor rates do vary, but there are tutors for all budgets and with various levels of experience. Once you find several options, send them each a message. Check and see which ones have availability as well as the skills to assist you in the areas that you are looking for help.When you find a fit for a private Chinese tutor, you can start getting the results that you deserve faster and more easily!

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