Best Government & Politics Tutors
Looking for an AP government tutor? Have you found yourself struggling with your government or politics course this year? Our Government and Politics tutors can help students in all grades and skill levels. No matter if it is elementary school or all the way up to post – college level, we have private tutors available now. If you are looking for assistance in various areas, then don’t wait and struggle even more.
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Best Government & Politics Tutors Near You:
Linda M. Kennett Square PA.
Social Studies/History/Writing Tutoring
Greetings! I taught history and government both at the AP level and advanced high school level for over 30 years. I also taught community college classes and university classes. At the high school level, I taught both Honors classes in European, World History, U.S. History as well as Advanced Placement classes in U.S. History and U.S. Government. In my teaching, I stressed strong, analytical writing as students need to learn how to use information to communicate clearly and precisely no m... Read more
American History, Vocabulary, Grammar, European History, Reading, Writing, English, Government & Politics

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